Weekly Update on Education

06 May 2009

Parents will rate local schools, 5 May 2009

“Every parent in England will be asked to rate the schools in their area in mass surveys that will be used to force local authorities to overhaul their range of secondaries if parents are not satisfied….Brown promised schools a new era of freedom, admitting that the role of central government in the education system in England had become "overly large" and that good schools should have more autonomy.” More [+]

Education Push Yields Little for India's Poor January 17, 2008

“Sixty years after independence, with 40 percent of its population under 18, India is now confronting the perils of its failure to educate its citizens, notably the poor. More Indian children are in school than ever before, but the quality of public schools like this one has sunk to spectacularly low levels, as government schools have bec ome reserves of children at the very bottom of India's social ladder.” More [+]

Government to study impact of ABL method
The Hindu, Tuesday, May 05, 2009

“……. The evaluators will test the students in written and oral skills, comprehension, participation in group activity, classroom performance, etc. They will also check on students' managerial skill and self-confidence. Further, they will also take into consideration classroom spacing, cleanliness, headmaster's or headmistress' response, teachers' difficulties, parents' interaction with the teachers, the feedback of village education committee among others……. ” More [+]

. Underprivileged girl students learn theatre skills in Uttarakhand
ANI, May 6 2009

“Girl students at the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) in Sitarganj in Uttrakhand are learning theatre and drama skills for their personality development. Most of the girls getting education in this school are from the financially and socially weaker section of the society who had to leave school due to poverty and various other reasons. In order to boost the confidence among these girls, school authorities thought of improving their overall persona through theatre. ” More [+]

Sexual harassment and abuse of adolescent schoolgirls in South India
University of Sussex

“ This article reports on a small exploratory study of adolescent girls' experiences of sexual harassment and abuse while attending secondary school in Karnataka State, South India. In South Asia, public discussion of sexual matters, especially relating to children, is largely taboo, and the study uncovers a hidden aspect of s chooling, which presents a further barrier to increasing girls' educational participation in India. ” More [+]

Street education reaches neglected child populations
MEDIAGLOBAL 25 April 2009

“"If you can't get street children into schools, bring the schools out to the streets.Non-formal, structured 'street education' reaches children who are often considered inaccessible t o education systems or who have dropped out of school. In this form of education, street children c an attend basic education and life skills sessions that are held regularly at designated locations when they have free time. ” More [+]

Economist Says School Choice is Best Path for Education
The Heartland Institute , Chicago-Based Think Tank - April 28, 2009

“The report states the competition fostered by school choice would provide incentives to "use resources effectively." Along with continual spending increases-inflation-adjusted per-pupil spending nearly doubled nationally between 1970 and 2005, from $5,000 to $9,000-other indicators often considered as progress also rose substantially in the past four-plus decades. Garen reports pupil-teacher ratios fell dramatically-from 25.8 in 1960 to 16 in 2001-while the percentage of teachers with at least a master's degree rose even mo re dramatically, from 23.5 percent in 1960 to 56.8 percent in 2001." More [+]

Develop teachers properly to improve the quality of elementary education Achievement 24 April 2009

“With the recent emphasis on annual and recurrent in-service training of elementary teachers under various uni versalization of elementary education (UEE) projects, the mode of training has come under a scanner due to the in effectiveness of mass-scale training with a cascade model. One needs to put teachers central to the educational reforms and quality improvement programme by developing and empowering them continually both through inservice and on-work traing and support.” More [+]


Increasing Teacher Effectiveness

UNESCO: Lorin W. Anderson

The purpose of the research paper includes monitoring the evolution and change in educational policies and thei r effect upon educational planning requirements; highlighting current issues of educational planning and analyzing them in the context of their historical and societal setting; and disseminating methodologies of planning which can be in the context of both the developed and the developing countries.

Read the full report here

Education at the Primary Level in Orissa, India

Net Enrolment Ratio at Upper Primary Level: 55.89 %

Distribution of Classrooms having Good Condition (All Schools): 45.47 %

Schools having Girl's Toilet in School (All schools): 28.04 %

DISE 2007-08: Flash Statistics, National University of Educational Planning and Administration and Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India 2009



















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