State sacks primary teachers for playing truant
Jun 5, 2010
Where nearly 300 teachers have faced
the axe, the department has also drawn up a list of
over 500 others who will face action in the future.
Reportedly, a large percentage of teachers playing truant
are women. ....The decision to sack the teachers, senior
government officials say, is set to pave the road for
the smooth implementation of the Right to Education
Act. Interestingly, the implementation of the Act has
been a subject of controversy, with the Centre and state
being at loggerheads over disbursal of funds.
More [+] |
Performance-Pay Model Shows No Achievement Edge
Stephen Sawchuk, June 9, 2010
Preliminary results from a Chicago
program containing performance-based compensation for
teachers show no evidence that it has boosted student
achievement on math and reading tests, compared with
a group of similar, nonparticipating schools, an analysis
released today concludes. More [+] |
On vouchers, columnist ignores shortcomings, challenges
Pat Farabaugh – June 2, 2010
School vouchers are taxpayer dollars
that subsidize tuition costs for students at private
and religious schools....This sounds great. A more equitable
educational system with increased opportunities for
our nation’s underprivileged and disenfranchised.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.....Thomas
writes that vouchers “would allow poor children
the best chance to climb out of poverty and not repeat
their parents’ mistakes.”
. More [+]
US institutions to partner for proposed innovation varsities
3 Jun 2010,
US varsities are likely to extend their
expertise in setting up of some of the innovation universities
in India and one such collaboration would be announced
during the visit of US President Barak Obama to the
country later this year.
This was discussed at a meeting between HRD Minister
Kapil Sibal and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
in Washington today, an official release said.
. More [+] |
Legal Education In India Needs Urgent Reforms
Shayam Prasad,
Educational reforms in India are in
the progress and a great share of its credit goes to
HDR Minister Mr. Kapil Sibal. Educational sector in
India is widespread and controlled by multiple authorities
and agencies. For instance health related education
is controlled by Health Ministry, legal education is
controlled by Bar Council of India (BCI)/Law Ministry
and so on. The Law Minister Mr. Veerappa Moily and BCI
are against surrendering the reign of legal education
in favour of National Commission for Higher Education
and Research (NCHER) of India.More [+] |
A profitable education
Sadhna Saxena teaches at the Department
of Education, University of Delhi.
June 2010
While India’s new Right to Education
Act seeks to bring free and compulsory education for
all children, it seems to short-change them through
an unrealistic vision of the private sector’s
involvement.. More [+] |
INDIA: Reducing student loan burden
Alya Mishra, University World News 06
June 2010
Education Minister Kapil Sibal has
unveiled measures to reduce the burden of education
loans on poorer families. They are among policies to
increase the proportion of young people in higher education
and improve access for lower income families.The education
ministry has set aside five billion rupees (US$106.6
million) in the 2010-11 budget for education loan interest
subsidies and Rs1.08 billion for college and university
scholarships..More [+] |
The average wages of a male who is fluent in English
is 34% higher than a male with the same background and
education, but with no English skills, May 30 2010
Even passable knowledge of the language
is an opportunity to break out of the traditional job
trap, especially in urban areas where there are ample
opportunities in call centres, retail outlets and clerical
jobs. The globalization of the Indian economy naturally
means that there is a wage premium for those who speak
the global language.
More [+] |
Child Labor and the Education of a Society
Clive Bell
University of Heidelberg – South Asia Institute
ABSTRACT: We examine economic growth,
inequality and education when the wellspring of growth
is the formation of human capital through a combination
of the quality of child-rearing and formal schooling.
The existence of multiple steady states is established,
including a poverty trap, wherein children work full-time
and no human capital accumulation takes place, with
continuous growth at an asymptotically steady rate as
an alternative. We show that a society can escape from
the poverty trap into a condition of continuous growth
through a program of taxes and transfers. Temporary
inequality is a necessary condition to escape in finite
time, but long-run inequalities are avoidable provided
sufficiently heavy, but temporary taxes can be imposed
on the better-off. Programs aiming simply at high attendance
rates in the present can be strongly non-optimal..More [+] |
Picture of the Month
Hillary Clinton and Kapil Sibal discuss the formation
of India-U.S Education Council
RTE Coalition
To initiate
and continue the discussion amongst concerned groups
and individuals on the issue of right of education and
monitor the implementation of the RTE Act, an RTE Coalition
has been formed. Join the coalition to make universal
elementary education a reality in India. Log on to
for more information. |
| Bastiat Essay Competition
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Bastiat Competition section to win attractive prizes! |
Fisher International Memorial Award
James Tooley’s “The
Beautiful Tree” bags 2010 Fisher International
Memorial Award.
To read more click
here |
400 girl children from poor families
of North East Delhi receive school vouchers for a period
of 4 years.
For details visit website
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