Home > About us > Ambassadors T K MathewMr. T.K. Mathew has been the Secretary and Chief Executive of Deepalaya, the largest operational NGO in Delhi. He is also the founder and President of Pradan, Professional Development organization engaged in Rural Development with livelihood as the major theme. He Has organized, conducted and attended a large number of Seminars, Consultations and Workshop on development and related subjects within India and abroad. He Organised a series of symposia, celebrating child, celebrating families, celebrating partnership, celebrating workers during the Deepalaya Silver Jubilee year. He has been consultant to the likes of CEVA, Cochin/ Kuebel Foundation Germany, ICCO Holland, AMI Italy, PLAN International and many others. He has been awarded Vijaya Gujral Award-1999 from Vijaya Gujaral Foundation. Dr. Ambedkar Smriti Award for upliftment of children in India by Dalit Children’s Education & Development Programme Charitable Trust. The Man of Achievement Award-1999 by International Publishing House and several other prestigious awards and honours.